Rescue Your Marriage in 5 Hours
Save Your Marriage with Proven Imago Methods
Dr. Janet Greenwood’s Top Selling eBook
93 pages for Immediate Download
Only $9.95
Is There Hope for Your Marriage?
I want to offer you authentic hope based on real results. Many couples on the brink of separation or divorce have pretty much given up hope for positive change to occur in their marriage. If there is even a little bit of motivation left within each marriage partner, you can learn how to turn your marriage around, quickly.
Learning and applying specific relationship skills in a concentrated and focused structure will begin to heal the rupture in your relationship and bring your marriage back to life. Imagine being able to heal and change your current marriage and have it become the marriage of your dreams. Just think how you would feel about yourself and your spouse if you could protect your children from unnecessarily having to cope with the trauma of divorce!
Perhaps you will consider holding off with the separation, divorce papers and attorneys for at least a few days. I hope that reading this will give you enough direction, hope and motivation to seek a licensed marriage therapist with expertise in The Imago Marriage Intensive.
The Five Hour Intensive
If you decide to put forth your best effort for just 5 more hours, you can better determine if you and your spouse are able to make some of the key changes that will lead to the healing and renewal of your marriage. You and your spouse have the potential to achieve a monumental success by modeling tenacity and commitment to your marriage. What a legacy of love to offer your children!Realistically, you can’t expect your loving feelings to magically and suddenly change before behavior changes. If you decide to do the work of healing your marriage and learning and practicing new skills, the feelings of love, romance and pleasure will regenerate over time. When you change the behavior, the feelings will follow. Making changes in a troubled marriage is like planting a seed and watering it daily, keeping the faith that it will blossom. Then the little green stalk appears, and the blossoming continues as long as you continue to nurture it. There is no great magic to making a relationship work. It requires putting energy in the right direction to create the marriage you both want. If you do the work, the marriage works. It is not always so easy, but it is that simple.Having tried a variety of methods to help couples in crisis, I am completely convinced that an intensive approach is the most effective way to begin to help couples make necessary changes that will quickly shift their relationship on to a positive track. This ebook outlines the intensive therapy process that I take couples through, and presents a program of pre-therapy exercises that I suggest couples do in advance of an intensive 5-hour couples session.
Put Your Energy Into the Right Approach
Discouraged couples often tell me they have tried counseling, seminars, groups, etc. over the years and nothing has worked, so why try again? This is a little like trying a lot of the wrong medicines on your sick child and saying, “Oh well, we know there is a cure but we can’t seem to locate the right medicine at the moment, so let’s give up and let her die.” Hardly! If it were your sick child, you would probably be tenacious and never give up until you found the right medicine.
It breaks my heart to see couples, particularly parents, give up on their marriage before getting the help that could make the difference. In so many cases, divorce can be or could have been prevented with the right intervention. I wish that relationship skills were taught in school, or that they were a required course before getting married or before having children.
Fortunately, it is never too late for a new beginning. I hope you will make the choice to use your current marital crisis as a turning point for re-creating your marriage. It truly is possible to bury the old marriage and negative ways of relating to one another and start a fresh new marriage with your current partner. The goal is not to “go back to the old marriage”. Most likely, neither of you want what you have been experiencing for the past several months or years. Why not go forward toward a better and different relationship with each other and with your children?
A proven strategy for divorce intervention and prevention is the focus of this ebook. Even if for you or your spouse, it feels like just too little too late, and one or both of you are not motivated enough to rethink divorce, certainly five more hours is not too much to ask. If this is not possible for you at the moment, the only alternative may be to help yourself and your children heal through the trauma of divorce with the most love and care available.
If you decide to put forth your best effort for just 5 more hours, you can better determine if you and your spouse are able to make some of the key changes that will lead to the healing and renewal of your marriage. You and your spouse have the potential to achieve a monumental success by modeling tenacity and commitment to your marriage. What a legacy of love to offer your children!Realistically, you can’t expect your loving feelings to magically and suddenly change before behavior changes. If you decide to do the work of healing your marriage and learning and practicing new skills, the feelings of love, romance and pleasure will regenerate over time. When you change the behavior, the feelings will follow. Making changes in a troubled marriage is like planting a seed and watering it daily, keeping the faith that it will blossom. Then the little green stalk appears, and the blossoming continues as long as you continue to nurture it. There is no great magic to making a relationship work. It requires putting energy in the right direction to create the marriage you both want. If you do the work, the marriage works. It is not always so easy, but it is that simple.Having tried a variety of methods to help couples in crisis, I am completely convinced that an intensive approach is the most effective way to begin to help couples make necessary changes that will quickly shift their relationship on to a positive track. This ebook outlines the intensive therapy process that I take couples through, and presents a program of pre-therapy exercises that I suggest couples do in advance of an intensive 5-hour couples session.