Bring Your Baby Home
How to Prevent Post-Partum Blues
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A Successful Guide for Expecting Couples and New Parents
This ebook and workbook are designed for couples, at any stage of their pregnancy or after the birth of their baby, who want to consciously take steps to deepen intimacy and romance in their relationship while still being dedicated parents.
The real cradle that holds your new baby is the connection between the two of you.
It is important for “newly pregnant parents” to learn as early as possible into your pregnancy, that the quality of your relationship and how you handle conflicts while pregnant will have a significant impact on the physical, emotional and intellectual health of your baby. This is big news for a lot of newly pregnant couples who of course want the best start for their unborn child. Research conducted and reported by Dr. John Gottman, emeritus professor of psychology and director of the Relationship Research Institute in Seattle, has led to some ground breaking discoveries that every pregnant couple needs to know about the relationship between relationship/marital stress, post-partum depression, baby blues and the overall healthy development of your baby.
You have embarked on one of the most meaningful, amazingly joyful and challenging journeys of your life; being parents and partners together. Preparing, planning and learning proven methods that keep your marital intimacy strong, before and after the birth of your baby, is a life long gift you and your baby deserve.
This ebook and workbook offer you some of the most effective couples counseling methods I have successfully used with couples in private practice for the past twenty-five years. I hope you and your partner will take a few hours to learn these key communication and relationship tools that will immediately decrease conflict and increase the emotional connection in your relationship. The lower your relationship stress and the better you are able to deal with the predictable obstacles during your pregnancy and beyond, the happier your baby will be and of course, the happier you will be.
~The greatest gift you can give your child is a strong relationship between the two of you.~
Research and the hard facts tell us:
25% of married couples divorce within 5 years after the birth of their first child.
50% of non-married couples split up within 5 years after the birth of their first child.
These alarming statistics hopefully will serve as a wake-up call for you to prepare for the inevitable changes and challenges of parenthood and at the same time inspire you to be part of the successful group of couples who have learned to strengthen their relationship and make love last.
Over 67% of couples experience a significant drop in the satisfaction in their marriage after the birth of their child usually because they have not prepared their relationship for the predictable challenges and changes that occur. Preparing or rebounding from this predictable drop is the goal.
The other 30% of couples who experience an increase in satisfaction in their relationship accomplish that through specific conscious efforts; it isn’t by pure luck. My hope for you is that the ebook and workbook will help you gain the insight and skills necessary to strengthen your relationship during your journey to parenthood and reduce or prevent a drop in the quality of your intimacy as partners.